"The history of Eureka lies in its future." - Lambert Molinelli, 1878


The author/editor of the Eureka Miner owns common shares of local mining stocks, McEwen Mining (MUX) and General Moly (GMO). Please do your own research, markets can turn on you faster than a feral cat.

Friday, May 5, 2023

Gold Tops April High; $2,450 still in the Cards


Beyond the Gate

Friday, May 5, 2023 PM


I'm still bullish gold in the near term.

Here's what Chief Editor Neils Christensen said in this his Kitco Weekly Gold Survey:

"Richard Baker, creator of the Eureka Gold Miner's Report, said he is bullish on gold as the U.S. continues to inch closer to a government default the longer the debt limit debate goes on. He added that this uncertainty will continue to support gold, similar to what happened in 2011.

'We've seen this Congressional kabuki dance before - the 2011 U.S. debt crisis drove gold prices to a new record,' he said. 'Congress must raise or suspend the debt limit to avoid market calamity, but both sides of the debate remain intransigent. If cooler heads prevail and a default is avoided, gold prices could quickly fall back to earth. In the meantime, I standby last week's prediction that gold could reach or possibly surpass $2,450 in the coming weeks.'

My contrarian vote was a move up to $2,080 sometime next week. 

Comex gold futures are presently $2024.80 for June.

On a closing basis, Thursday gold inched out April's high of $2,055.30 (4/13) by 40 cents touching $2,055.70

Rock on Miners!

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Gold $2,450 in the Next Several Months


Eureka Shadows from the Past

Saturday, April 29, 2023 AM


I'm in good health at 75, “rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.” 

That's almost an exact quote from Mark Twain, it has been tweaked some over the years. Good enough for ranch work!

After a two-year hiatus, the ole Colonel couldn't help but jump back in to put his two bits on future gold prices. Here's what Chief Editor Neils Christensen said in this his Kitco Weekly Gold Survey:

"Looking beyond U.S. monetary policies, Richard Baker, creator of the Eureka Gold Miner's Report, said that the ongoing debt ceiling debate poses a significant economic risk and could support gold prices.

"History may not repeat but looks set to rhyme in the next several months. The "raising the debt limit debate' will raise gold prices to $2,450 or beyond," he said. It is important to remember that a U.S. debt downgrade and not default set the ball rolling to record gold prices in 2011. Perceived inability to govern was the catalyst."

My contrarian vote was a move up to $2,010 sometime next week. Here's what I wrote in 2011 when gold prices scored a new record on the heels of that U.S. debt debate:

$1,898.60/oz Gold; $44.09/oz Silver; Miners See Sunlight Above (Eureka Miner, August 23, 2011)

Comex gold futures are presently $1,999.10 for June.

Rock on Miners!

Friday, February 19, 2021

Gold $1,785 in House of Pain; Red Metal Breaks $4.00; Silver Resilient Above $27

Winter Storms Uri & Viola
Clyde, Texas

Friday, February 19, 2021 AM

"I cannot overstate the potential harm the coronavirus can do to the world economy." (Eureka Miner, January 31, 2020)

Follow the ole Colonel on twitter @Eurekaminer

Next Week Target Gold Price: $1,760 per ounce, Target Silver Price: $27.50 per ounce


Our dear friends in Clyde, Texas (outside Abilene) have seen brutal weather this week from Winter Storms Uri and Viola. The headline photo is "Habanero" toughing it out in the snow. Fortunately, they have generators, water and the donkeys have a warm place to shelter. The Eureka Miner sends its best and hopes for warmer weather!

Gold might as well be in a winter storm. The yellow metal is down from its early morning high of $1,790.9 per ounce, thankfully up from its low of $1,759. As you will see from my Kitco input yesterday, holding the $1,760-level is key or the yellow metal will really be in a house of pain. Comex copper broke above $4 per pound pound today - we haven't been at these levels in nearly 10 years! Silver has also shown considerable strength touching $27.74 per ounce before declining some:

Comex April gold is presently trading at $1,785.6 per ounce (8:32 am Eureka Time).

Comex May silver is presently $27.59 per ounce (8:31 am Eureka Time). 

Comex May copper is presently $4.0625 per pound (8:31 am Eureka Time)

This is how I explained my gold and silver outlook to the Kitco Weekly Gold Survey:

[Note: my inputs are now "early bird" Thursday morning summaries]

I remain bearish on gold at least for the near term - Comex futures will likely test the lows of mid-2020 before deciding whether the trend down is over (~$1,760-level).

The lustrous metal plight is illustrated by comparison to two metals and the S&P 500. The uncommon negative correlation with silver persists on a 1-month basis, both of these precious metals are usually highly correlated in a positive sense. The copper-to-gold ratio has been in a strong trend of higher-lows since last August and is accelerating higher with copper prices breaking the $3.9 [Friday update $4.0] per pound level. I believe the gold-to-silver ratio will plumb 64 ounce per ounce next week.

Takeaway - the yellow metal is steadily losing value to the red and white. Finally, gold has been losing value to rising equities since the U.S. Presidential Election. The gold-to-S&P 500 ratio has fallen to mid-2019 levels. My gold target for next week is $1,760 with silver rising slightly to $27.50.

On the flip side, market-driven inflation expectations are still on the rise. The 10-year Treasury breakeven rate is now above 2% (2.21% 2/17 Wednesday). However interest rates still have not risen as fast as expectations, so the 10-year real rate is a negative 0.89%; the 5-year is a negative 1.83%. For a non-interest earning asset like gold, negative interest rates are potentially bullish. Gold is also considered by many to be an inflation hedge. 

These are the strange times of coronavirus.

Stay safe my friends.

Chart for the Week

The ratio of copper-to-gold prices has really taken off from last October. As you can read from the commentaries below, there is a strong relationship between this ratio and interest rates.

Copper-to-Gold Ratio

The Colonel's Latest Kitco News Commentaries


Colonel Possum & Mariana

Friday, December 18, 2020

Gold $1,896, $1,900+ Next Week; Red Metal New High $3.64


Open Road, Lone Mountain
Eureka County, NV
If I were asked to pick two words to describe America it would be "open road."
Freedom of travel, the promise of a new horizon beyond every skyline.
These are at the very core of the beautiful experiment we call America.

Friday, December 18, 2020 AM

"I cannot overstate the potential harm the coronavirus can do to the world economy." (Eureka Miner, January 31, 2020)

Follow the ole Colonel on twitter @Eurekaminer

Next Week Target Gold Price: $1,920 per ounce, Target Silver Price: $26.45 per ounce

My latest Kitco News commentary: Is silver near a top? (7/27/2020, Kitco News) [summary of recent commentaries given at the bottom of the blog]

Baker: Gold in the time of coronavirus (Elko Daily Free Press, 6/4/2020)

An easy-to-understand overview on gold (32 slides, read explanation below each slide): History of gold and which countries have the most


Gold is down from its early morning high of $1,895.7 per ounce but should fly above $1,900 next week. The ole Colonel remains bullish for 2020. Comex copper scored a new high earlier this morning at $3.6445 per pound.

Comex February gold is presently trading at $1,889.2 per ounce (8:53 am Eureka Time).

Comex March silver is presently $26.07 per ounce (9:03 am Eureka Time). 

Comex March copper is presently $3.6250 per pound (9:03 am Eureka Time)

This is how I explained my gold and silver outlook to the Kitco Weekly Gold Survey:

[Note: my inputs are now "early bird" Thursday morning summaries]

This morning's [12/17] Comex February gold breakout above the $1,900-level is a welcome sign and may signal a reversal in gold's range-bound behavior since (U.S.) Thanksgiving week ($1,880.7, 11/23 range top; $1,767.2, 11/30 bottom). This may seem counterintuitive with global equities surging higher and the U.S. dollar plumbing a new low (DXY= 89.75) on positive vaccine news and additional fiscal stimulus in the pipeline. However, there are good reasons for safe-havens to enjoy a reboot in the coming weeks. 

Weaker signals from the U.S. manufacturing sector and spike up in unemployment claims signal that the road to a robust economic recovery will still be rocky in the months ahead. Real interest rates also provide some clues. The U.S. 5-year real rate has dropped a full 31 basis points (bps) more negative in only 1-month (-1.57%); the 10-year is less dramatic but notably slumping 19 bps (-1.06%). Negative interest rates are a bullish environment for a non-interest earning asset like gold.

Finally, the copper-to-gold ratio peaked last week (0.1946, 12/10). This is a fairly dependable leading indicator for 10-year Treasury yield. The ratio and yields have been trending higher - a falling ratio signals lower interest rates ahead, at least until the recovery catches a gear. 10-year Inflation expectations are also on the rise (1.92%, 12/16) which, in combination with yield, supports more negative real rates and possible inflationary pressures in 2021. Gold is considered by many to be an inflation hedge. 

These are the strange times of coronavirus.

Stay safe my friends.

Chart for the Week

The stability trajectory of the copper-gold ratio suggests the ratio has peaked for the time being. The two charts below were first created last Friday (12/11) and updated with this Friday's close. They tell the story. Presently the copper-gold ratio is 0.1923 which is less than the high of 12/10 or 0.1946.

Ratio extremum (high or low) typically happen in the upper-right quadrant of the lambda-Map (first graph). A counter-clockwise trajectory turn marks when the peak/trough in copper-gold occurs (usually within several market days). Given recent data, Thursday 12/10 may very well be the peak following 4 market-days after the turn (blue arrow). The second graph shows the copper-gold ratio plotted against time. Interestingly, the ratio low (0.1384) occurred last summer during another period of ratio instability.* 

* an unstable condition is defined as a ratio whose 1-month and 3-month volatility both exceed 4%. This level is based on historical records of the copper-gold relationship.

Copper-Gold Ratio lambda-Map

Copper-Gold Ratio

The Colonel's Latest Kitco News Commentaries

Please checkout my latest Kitco News columns on the stunning relationship of copper and gold prices with interest rates:

Is silver near a top? (7/27/2020, Kitco News)

Copper, gold & the coronavirus (2/18/2020, Kitco News)


Colonel Possum & Mariana

Friday, October 30, 2020

Gold Recovers $1,890; Next Week Like No Other


Mailboxes (2006)
Eureka County, Nevada

Friday, October 30, 2020 AM

"I cannot overstate the potential harm the coronavirus can do to the world economy." (Eureka Miner, January 31, 2020)

Follow the ole Colonel on twitter @Eurekaminer

Next Week Target Gold Price: $1,910 per ounce, Target Silver Price: $24.04 per ounce

My latest Kitco News commentary: Is silver near a top? (7/27/2020, Kitco News) [summary of recent commentaries given at the bottom of the blog]

Baker: Gold in the time of coronavirus (Elko Daily Free Press, 6/4/2020)

An easy-to-understand overview on gold (32 slides, read explanation below each slide): History of gold and which countries have the most


Gold is down from its early morning high of $1,890 per ounce but should find some giddy-up next week. The ole Colonel remains bullish for 2020 - I believe we will see a breakout higher post-election. Here's where we're trading:

Comex December gold is presently trading at $1,882,4 per ounce (8:17 am Eureka Time).

Comex December Silver is presently $23.65 per ounce (8:17 am Eureka Time). 

Comex December copper is presently $3.0535 per pound (8:17 am Eureka Time)

This is how I explained my gold and silver outlook to the Kitco Weekly Gold Survey:

Although gold got battered below the key $1,900-level this week, it did well compared to key commodities, domestic equities and the euro from a comparative value viewpoint. With some Central banks selling gold to cover covid expenses and jewelry demand down, it is up to the investor to keep prices supported. That support turns on how much market uncertainty lies ahead - it's hard to imagine a time less certain than next week. Presidential elections, contested or not, alarming covid infections in the U.S., lockdowns in Europe and stalled stimulus plans in Congress create a witches brew that will extend well beyond Halloween. The near-term fortunes of safe-havens shine bright.

One troubling sign is a persistent divergence of correlations between gold and copper compared to those of the Chinese yuan and copper [see discussion below]. Extreme divergence occured in early-February when covid was ravaging China but just reaching the shores of Europe and the U.S. This peak in divergence presaged the March market chaos in the West. Now the roles are reversed: China is on the road to recovery as Europe and the U.S. face new waves of coronavirus infections. Although the recent correlation divergence is less severe, it may portend another round of market chaos in the weeks ahead. If it does, precious metals will prosper.

I believe gold will regain $1,910 per ounce next week with silver following to $24.05 per ounce. My target for 2020 remains unchanged at $2,200 for gold and a lower $28 target for silver.

Three conditions for higher gold remain since gold's all-time record:
1. There remains plenty of domestic and geo-political uncertainty to support safe havens: U.S. election controversy, a stalled recovery package in Congress, a stubbornly pervasive covid-19 virus, civil unrest and simmering U.S./China tension.
2. The longer-term fortunes of the U.S. dollar grow dimmer with more expected Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury largesse when a relief package does eventually pass.
3. Negative U.S. benchmark real rates continue - bullish for non-interest earning assets like gold and silver (10-year real rate = -0.88%). Notably, recent inflation expectations have ticked back up to near August levels (1.71% vs. 1.80%) 

These are the strange times of coronavirus. 

Stay safe my friends.

Chart for the Week

Our Chart for the Week is an update from last week.The ole Colonel is closely monitoring correlations of copper with gold and also the Chinese currency. China's economy is recovering to near pre-pandemic levels and they account for about one-half of global copper demand. Therefore, a positive indication for China is a strengthening yuan coupled with demand-driven copper prices. However, when gold and copper prices go in different directions there is often trouble afoot. Presently, pessimism about global recovery with new waves of coronavirus in Europe and possibly the U.S. has caused some de-correlation of the red and yellow metals (click on image for larger size):

Correlation Map of Copper with the Yuan & Gold

The divergence between the two correlation trajectories is shown by the dashed magenta arrow. You can learn more about how this works in a Kitco column I wrote earlier this year:

If we plot divergence (d) versus time, you can see how the U.S./China trade tensions caused spikes in divergence last year (Point A) and also how the coronavirus initially impacted China (Point B). In this chart, a low number (i.e. low divergence) is considered good. There has been a move back up above the 6-year average (d=0.78) and the peak may have occurred Wednesday (1.5604). Divergence breaks above the falling trend line (dashed blue arrow), remains troubling. 

Extreme divergence occured in early-February (Point B) when covid was ravaging China but just reaching the shores of Europe and the U.S. This peak in divergence presaged the March market chaos in the West. Now the roles are reversed: China is on the road to recovery as Europe and the U.S. face new waves of coronavirus infections. Although the recent correlation divergence is less severe, it may portend another round of market chaos in the weeks ahead. If it does, precious metals will prosper.

China 2-rho Divergence Indicator


The new all-time Comex gold record is $2,089.2 (December contract)

What makes a record gold price? There are many correct answers to this question, different answers but no less true. Some folks refer to the spot gold price on a particular day others futures prices. They may cite a closing or intraday number. For the purposes of this report, the "all-time record" refers to the highest intraday price on the Comex futures exchange for the most active front-month contract.

The old record was $1,923.7 per ounce.

That occurred on Tuesday, September 6, 2011. I reported on the record intraday price the following day in this Eureka Miner:

Gold Trips; Copper & Oil Bounce (Eureka Miner, 9/7/2011)


You can bring the 2011 gold record forward in time by using the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The government data is easily accessible on the internet. The numbers below were taken from a chart provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in a database called FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Data). Here's the formula, given the monthly data through September 2020:

Gold Record (2011) x [CPI (7/2020)/CPI (9/2011)] = 
$1,923.7/t-oz x [260.209/226.597] = $2,209/t-oz

An even easier method is to use one of the many inflation calculators on the internet that use CPI. This link takes you to one provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

$2,200 is therefore a reasonable next target for gold price this year if you believe, as the ole Colonel does, that the rally continues.

The Colonel's Latest Kitco News Commentaries

Please checkout my latest Kitco News columns on the stunning relationship of copper and gold prices with interest rates:

Is silver near a top? (7/27/2020, Kitco News)

Copper, gold & the coronavirus (2/18/2020, Kitco News)


Colonel Possum & Mariana

Friday, October 23, 2020

Gold Falls from $1,936 Wednesday High; Breakout Higher Post-Election


Willow Creek Ranch
Eureka County, Nevada

Friday, October 23, 2020 AM

"I cannot overstate the potential harm the coronavirus can do to the world economy." (Eureka Miner, January 31, 2020)

Follow the ole Colonel on twitter @Eurekaminer

Next Week Target Gold Price: $1,920 per ounce, Target Silver Price: $24.93 per ounce

My latest Kitco News commentary: Is silver near a top? (7/27/2020, Kitco News) [summary of recent commentaries given at the bottom of the blog]

Baker: Gold in the time of coronavirus (Elko Daily Free Press, 6/4/2020)

An easy-to-understand overview on gold (32 slides, read explanation below each slide): History of gold and which countries have the most


Gold is down from its Wednesday high of $1,936 but don't despair. The ole Colonel remains bullish for 2020 - I believe we will see a breakout higher post-election. Here's where we're trading:

Comex December gold is presently trading at $1,901.1 per ounce (8:32 am Eureka Time).

Comex December Silver is currently trading at $24.69 per ounce (8:33 am Eureka Time). 

Comex December copper is presently $3.1395 per pound (8:32 am Eureka Time)

This is how I explained my gold and silver outlook to the Kitco Weekly Gold Survey:

Lacking a late-October surprise, it is challenging to imagine a market driver that will move the lustrous metal from its resilient meanderings of late until post-election. December Comex prices remain locked in a wedge defined by September highs and lows ($1,983.8 and $1,851.0). This suggests a breakout higher in November given the lengthening shadows of coronavirus infections both here and in Europe. Europe PMI today indicating contraction is a good example. I believe gold will move just above the middle of the wedge next week to $1,920 per ounce with silver following to $24.93 per ounce.

It has been much more exciting to monitor interest rates this week. Globally they are on the rise with the 10-year approaching mid-June levels (0.86% vs. 0.90%). Here's the good news for gold: inflation expectations are also headed north. The 5-year real rate increased negativity a full 7 basis points to -1.31% which is very bullish for precious metals (point 3 below). 

China's yuan also continues to strengthen from late May as their economy approaches pre-pandemic levels and the virus there is relatively contained. Concurrent with this currency strength is the rise of copper prices above $7,000  per tonne [$3.1752 per pound], China comprises 50% of the global demand for the red metal. This underlines the growing disparity between covid-recovering economies while the U.S. and Europe face a new wave of cases. This disparity will fuel market uncertainty further supporting gold prices into the new year.

My target for 2020 remains unchanged at $2,200 for gold and $32 for silver.

Three conditions for higher gold remain since gold's all-time record:

1. There remains plenty of domestic and geo-political uncertainty to support safe havens: U.S. election controversy, a stalled recovery package in Congress, a stubbornly pervasive covid-19 virus, civil unrest and simmering U.S./China tension.

2. The longer-term fortunes of the U.S. dollar grow dimmer with more expected Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury largesse when a relief package does eventually pass.

3. Negative U.S. benchmark real rates continue - bullish for non-interest earning assets like gold and silver. Notably, recent inflation expectations have ticked back up to near August levels (1.76% vs. 1.80%) These are the strange times of coronavirus. Stay safe my friends.

Chart for the Week

Our Chart for the Week is an update from last week.The ole Colonel is closely monitoring correlations of copper with gold and also the Chinese currency. China's economy is recovering to near pre-pandemic levels and they account for about one-half of global copper demand. Therefore, a positive indication for China is a strengthening yuan coupled with demand-driven copper prices. However, when gold and copper prices go in different directions there is often trouble afoot. Presently, pessimism about global recovery with new waves of coronavirus in Europe and possibly the U.S. has caused come de-correlation of the red and yellow metals (click on image for larger size):

Correlation Map of Copper with the Yuan & Gold

The divergence between the two correlation trajectories is shown by the dashed magenta arrow. You can learn more about how this works in a Kitco column I wrote earlier this year:

If we plot divergence (d) versus time, you can see how the U.S./China trade tensions caused spikes in divergence last year (Point A) and also how the coronavirus initially impacted China (Point B). In this chart, a low number (i.e. low divergence) is considered good. There has been a move back up (d=1.37010) above the 6-year average (d=0.78) but the peak may have occurred yesterday (1.38750). Divergence breaks above the falling trend line (dashed blue arrow), remains troubling. I will monitor this closely.

China 2-rho Divergence Indicator


The new all-time Comex gold record is $2,089.2 (December contract)

What makes a record gold price? There are many correct answers to this question, different answers but no less true. Some folks refer to the spot gold price on a particular day others futures prices. They may cite a closing or intraday number. For the purposes of this report, the "all-time record" refers to the highest intraday price on the Comex futures exchange for the most active front-month contract.

The old record was $1,923.7 per ounce.

That occurred on Tuesday, September 6, 2011. I reported on the record intraday price the following day in this Eureka Miner:

Gold Trips; Copper & Oil Bounce (Eureka Miner, 9/7/2011)


You can bring the 2011 gold record forward in time by using the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The government data is easily accessible on the internet. The numbers below were taken from a chart provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in a database called FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Data). Here's the formula, given the monthly data through September 2020:

Gold Record (2011) x [CPI (7/2020)/CPI (9/2011)] = 
$1,923.7/t-oz x [260.209/226.597] = $2,209/t-oz

An even easier method is to use one of the many inflation calculators on the internet that use CPI. This link takes you to one provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

$2,200 is therefore a reasonable next target for gold price this year if you believe, as the ole Colonel does, that the rally continues.

The Colonel's Latest Kitco News Commentaries

Please checkout my latest Kitco News columns on the stunning relationship of copper and gold prices with interest rates:

Is silver near a top? (7/27/2020, Kitco News)

Copper, gold & the coronavirus (2/18/2020, Kitco News)


Colonel Possum & Mariana

Friday, October 16, 2020

Gold $1,918, Bullish Breakout on the Horizon


Kitchen's Market
Eureka, Nevada

Friday, October 16, 2020 AM

"I cannot overstate the potential harm the coronavirus can do to the world economy." (Eureka Miner, January 31, 2020)

Follow the ole Colonel on twitter @Eurekaminer

Next Week Target Gold Price: $1,920 per ounce, Target Silver Price: $24.67 per ounce

My latest Kitco News commentary: Is silver near a top? (7/27/2020, Kitco News) [summary of recent commentaries given at the bottom of the blog]

Baker: Gold in the time of coronavirus (Elko Daily Free Press, 6/4/2020)

An easy-to-understand overview on gold (32 slides, read explanation below each slide): History of gold and which countries have the most


Gold is down for the week nearly a percent but nicely treading water. The ole Colonel remains bullish for 2020. Here's where we're trading: gold pulling back from $1918,7 per ounce:

Comex December gold is presently trading at $1,909.1 per ounce (8:06 am Eureka Time). 

Comex December Silver is currently trading at $24.43 per ounce (8:06 am Eureka Time). 

Comex December copper is presently $3.0635 per pound (8:06 am Eureka Time)

This is how I explained my gold and silver outlook to the Kitco Weekly Gold Survey:

Not exactly a fun day at the beach for markets, lots of cross-currents and a few rip tides. This morning is a good example: U.S. retail sales surprise to the upside, industrial production surprises to the downside. As gold holds its ground above the $1,900-level, market participants appear pleased to have the lustrous lifeguard on duty but few are crying for help. December Comex prices are locked in a new wedge defined by September highs and lows ($1,983.8 and $1,851.0) suggesting a breakout higher if a bad headline or two washes beachgoers out to sea.

What are the cross currents? Currencies and interest rates offer some clues. China's yuan has been strengthening since late May as their economy returns to pre-pandemic levels and the virus there is relatively contained. In stark contrast, the euro has been trending lower since early-September as a second wave of infections puts a chill on their recovery. The German bund tumbled a full 10 basis points more negative this week as the U.S. 10-year Treasury bumped a few higher. With startling higher case rates in many states, it seems the U.S is on a path with Europe to more challenging times. Gold will likely remain in the wedge next week - my targets are Comex gold $1,920 with silver following to $24.67. My target for 2020 remains unchanged at $2,200 for gold and $32 for silver. 

Three conditions for higher gold remain since gold's all-time record: 
  1. There remains plenty of domestic and geo-political uncertainty to support safe havens: U.S. election controversy, a stalled recovery package in Congress, a stubbornly pervasive covid-19 virus, civil unrest and simmering U.S./China tension. 
  2. The longer-term fortunes of the U.S. dollar grow dimmer with more expected Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury largesse when a relief package does eventually pass. 
  3.  Negative U.S. benchmark real rates continue - bullish for non-interest earning assets like gold and silver. Notably, recent inflation expectations have ticked back up to nearAugust levels (1.69% vs. 1.80%)
These are the strange times of coronavirus. Stay safe my friends.

Chart for the Week

The ole Colonel is closely monitoring correlations of copper with gold and also the Chinese currency. China's economy is recovering to near pre-pandemic levels and they account for about one-half of global copper demand. Therefore, a positive indication for China is a strengthening yuan coupled with demand-driven copper prices. However, when gold and copper prices go in different directions there is often trouble afoot. Presently, pessimism about global recovery with new waves of coronavirus in Europe and possibly the U.S. has caused come de-correlation of the red and yellow metals (click on image for larger size):

Correlation Map of Copper with the Yuan & Gold

The divergence between the two correlation trajectories is shown by the dashed magenta arrow. You can learn more about how this works in a Kitco column I wrote earlier this year:

If we plot divergence (d) versus time, you can see how the U.S./China trade tensions caused spikes in divergence last year (Point A) and also how the coronavirus initially impacted China (Point B). In this chart, a low number (i.e. low divergence) is good. Last Friday's closing numbers suggest a troubling move back up (d=1.1038) above the 6-year average (d=0.78). If divergence breaks above the falling trend line (dashed blue arrow), there may be trouble ahead for everyone.

China 2-rho Divergence Indicator


The new all-time Comex gold record is $2,089.2 (December contract)

What makes a record gold price? There are many correct answers to this question, different answers but no less true. Some folks refer to the spot gold price on a particular day others futures prices. They may cite a closing or intraday number. For the purposes of this report, the "all-time record" refers to the highest intraday price on the Comex futures exchange for the most active front-month contract.

The old record was $1,923.7 per ounce.

That occurred on Tuesday, September 6, 2011. I reported on the record intraday price the following day in this Eureka Miner:

Gold Trips; Copper & Oil Bounce (Eureka Miner, 9/7/2011)


You can bring the 2011 gold record forward in time by using the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The government data is easily accessible on the internet. The numbers below were taken from a chart provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in a database called FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Data). Here's the formula, the latest monthly data is through July 2020:

Gold Record (2011) x [CPI (7/2020)/CPI (9/2011)] = 
$1,923.7/t-oz x [258.723/226.597] = $2,196/t-oz

An even easier method is to use one of the many inflation calculators on the internet that use CPI. This link takes you to one provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

$2,200 is therefore a reasonable next target for gold price this year if you believe, as the ole Colonel, that the rally continues.

The Colonel's Latest Kitco News Commentaries

Please checkout my latest Kitco News columns on the stunning relationship of copper and gold prices with interest rates:

Is silver near a top? (7/27/2020, Kitco News)

Copper, gold & the coronavirus (2/18/2020, Kitco News)


Colonel Possum & Mariana